
Bizcipleship is a cohort of leaders who are not just discussing the theology of business but integrating being a disciple and being in business. We believe God is pro-business, passionate about work and excited about solving world problems through products and services. The bigger opportunity, however, is businesses that integrate disciple-making into core business processes. It is time for a future-focused, no-nonsense, Spirit-empowered cohort to spur each other on to be practical world changers.

Click the video on the right to watch. 

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Kingdom Couples Cohort - About This Experience

The Kingdom Couples cohort of this Bizcipleship group will focuses on wives and husbands working together to make a difference in the world. Participating couples don’t need to be part of the same organization, per se, but just have the intent of co-laboring as partners in life and work.

The Bizcipleship cohort will meet for one hour every second Tuesday for 10 months of the year. Live sessions will be facilitated by Brett & Lyn Johnson as we learn from each other.

Participants said...

It has been an awesome journey….

Grateful to Brett and Lyn for being a blessing! Also thankful to all who have blessed us with their stories, life and experiences all through Journey.

We have learnt so much and appreciate the many years of prayer and revelation that you have shared so generously.

Thanks Brett and Lyn for your energy and for putting this together for all our benefit.

Being able to talk about our calling and situation in an encouraging and trusted environment has been a strengthening experience. To be prayed for and exhorted by the group as the relationships have deepened has also been a real gift.

The Bizcipleship group has been so refreshing. To journey together with like minded couples dreaming of making Kingdom impact had been amazing. Learning from one another and prophesying life into each other has impacted us so deeply. Thanks to Brett and Lyn for bringing together such a wonderful group and facilitating with such love and wisdom. Very grateful to be part.

So very much Brett and Lyn to lead total strangers from all over the world to, within a few months, share dreams and uncertainties, crises and fears. We experienced amongst the group a wedding, a birth and a funeral and shared the emotions of them all! The one hour every two weeks became a safe haven and place of encouragement. What a privilege to be guided into new friendships on such a deep level.

Bizcipleship as with all of Brett and Lyn’s work has been amazing. Such a well-directed meeting of people from all over the world. Very quickly developing trusting and open relationships to pray and support and learn from each other. 

Drill-down on Topics

  • Collaborating on business decisions (when you are not both employed at the company). 
  • Knowing your voice, speaking on time
  • Hearing God differently, together
  • Share/stock ownership for families
  • Intentional choices that build margin
  • Becoming each other's cheerleader
  • Hospitality: the secret glue for Convergence
  • The empty chair: protecting the space for your spouse
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Make it Real

How do you, as a couple, work out the practicalities of being in God's business within your workplace? How do we navigate the nuances of wives and husbands co-laboring for optimal impact?

Connect with Like-hearted Kingdom Couples

Connect with a faith-based network of like-minded couples to pray, brainstorm and share testimonies and encouragement.

Access To Tools, Courses And Bonus Material

Get first access to the latest books, devotionals and online classes in live sessions with Brett & Lyn Johnson.

Interested in Bizcipleship?

Become part of a future-focused, no-nonsense, Spirit-empowered cohort that spurs each other on to be practical world changers. God works through people, and people have the greatest impact in community with other leaders. Most business execs miss the opportunity to fully integrate "making disciples" into their core business processes. When you are part of the Bizcipleship cohort you will seize this opportunity, refocus your business, and transform worlds around you.

I'm Interested

What Will You Enjoy?

  •  A community for prayer and mutual encouragement
  •  20 LIVE connection calls with Brett & Lyn Johnson and your cohort every second week
  •  Early access to new books, blogs and devotionals
  •  Insights from guest speakers
  •  Encouraging testimonies, opportunities and networking 
  •  Access to reference materials, tools, and other resources
  • 12-months access to our online Bizcipleship Community platform
  • Bizcipleship members will also receive discounts on Transforming Society, Kingdom Economics and other online classes.
  •  And, our intercessors will be praying for you by name.