Integrating your Career, Community, Creativity and Calling
Imprinted in the core of our being is a desire for our life to make sense.
Convergence is critical, yet too few people experience it. Discover the fingerprints of God on your life as you integrate key aspects of life and journey through predictable seasons on your road to Convergence.
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A greater need for convergence
The need for Convergence is greater than ever. In 2000 few were talking about integrating work and faith; today talk of marketplace ministry is common. Business-as-missions is now a well-worn term. Books on the intersection of faith and work abound.Ā

Every day a growing cadre of business men and women head to work with a new understanding that they are ministers,Ā every bit as much as their pulpit counterparts.
This is good. People have begun to work with God, seven days a week, rather than doing odd jobs for Him on Sundays. This is very good. Most of us want to have an impact on today and for eternity - the truth is, we are still falling short of the impact we could be having.
Purchase the bookYes! this is me, this is what my life is for.
Convergence, in essence, is the particular juncture in life which causes you to say: Yes! this is me, this is what my life is for. Convergence is the deliberate drawing together of threads woven into your life over the past several decades that reveals your life call.Ā
You may well ask, How do I do this?
First, the book is aimed at helping you answer this question in a straightforward yet non-formulaic manner.
Second, a great way to work through Convergence is with a group. We recommend the Convergence Study. It comes with a workbook, teaching videos and over 20 testimonies from people impacted by Convergence.

Convergence makes sense, yet many people miss it.
Understanding 12 myths surrounding Convergence will help you get on a path to Convergence. We will like to share a free PDF with this key information. Let us know your name and email (we won't spam you) and we will get it to you.
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