Understand And Appreciate Your Significant Other With LEMON for Lovers Online
Rather than allow your romantic relationship to 'just get by', here's a value-adding way to gain a fresh understanding of yourself, your lover and how the two of you operate well together.Â
Based on your LEMON for lovers profile, you will gain a thorough understanding and new appreciation for your life partner. Get equipped with all the tools you need to enhance your relationship and grow together in greater harmony and intimacy.Â
Meet Brett & Lyn JohnsonÂ
Brett and Lyn Johnson have been married for over 40 years and are still learning new things about each other. They have four adult children and a cluster of grandkids.
The LEMON for Lovers book and course is written and hosted by Brett and Lyn with love. To connect with them visit brettjohnson.biz home page.Â
Sign Up Today
Sign up for the LEMON for Lovers online course today and grow in understanding, appreciation and harmony in your relationship.
About LEMON For LoversÂ
LEMON for Lovers provides valuable insights on how to understand, communicate with, and relate to the “significant others” in your life, including your spouse and children. It is a complement to LEMON Leadership, also by Brett Johnson, and, together with the online LEMON for Lovers assessment, provides valuable insights on how to strengthen relationships. You will learn:
How to communicate well with your partner from a place of understanding and appreciating how differently they operate.
Familiarize yourself with some of your needs and emotions in the context of your primary relationships, as well as theirs. Come together in practical harmony, understanding and appreciation. Â
Gain the tools needed to get past any fatigue factors that may have dulled some of the sparkle in your relationship.
Ultimately, enrich your primary relationships with knowledge and growth on all levels through the Lemon for Lovers online course.Â

The LEMON for Lovers online class bundles four products together:
- The book, LEMON for Lovers (revised and expanded 2nd Edition). You will receive a PDF version of the book for your own use. The Kindle version is $9.95
- LEMON Leadership Assessment, which is normally $30.00
- LEMON for Lovers Assessment, which is normally $20.00
- 8 week, self-paced class, including instructional videos with Brett and Lyn Johnson and worksheets (PDF downloads) with weekly exercises.
Theo Boonzaaier
I found it a fascinating and an illuminating experience. I came to understand why interaction between spouses is sometimes puzzling. I learnt not only why my spouse reacts to me in a certain way, but why I, in turn, react the way I do. To Amanda and I it was a huge AH HA to learn we share exactly the same “profile” or wiring. It was also awesome to hear how couples who are wired differently experience their relationship. I certainly left with a renewed and improved appreciation of my spouse.
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