Devotional: Be like Jesus
Nov 25, 2020
The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon… John 1:41
Want to be like Jesus? Become a Networker. While writing my book, LEMON Leadership, I noticed a pattern in the way Jesus built his team. When you read that Jesus spent all night in prayer and then chose the 12 disciples, perhaps you imagined him seeing all of them in prayer and then picking them, much like you choose a soccer team. “I’ll take you over there, and you over there with the fishing nets, and you over there…” But Scripture reveals that he leveraged the relational networks already in place.
“Jesus invited Cousin John’s devotees to hang out with him for the day. One of them, Andrew, was a bit of a Networker himself. When he realized there was something special about Jesus, he promptly went home and recruited his brother, Simon, who became employee # 3.
The next day Jesus followed the relational trail to the hometown of Andrew and Simon and recruited # 4, Philip. Philip then brought Nathaniel, # 5. (Actually, Jesus had been checking Nathaniel out in advance because when Nate arrived Jesus said, “One day, long before Philip called you here, I saw you under the fig tree.”) We’re not sure how, but he had a bead on Nathaniel’s character and location.
Jesus didn’t say, “Step back, you lowlifes. I can do this on my own.” Check the tally:
1 and 2: referral from John
3: referral from Andrew
4: Jesus did it, but the guy was in the network of Andrew and Peter.
5: Nate, courtesy of Phil.” (Chapter 17 – LEMON Leadership)
His first five picks are referrals. Do you want to be like Jesus? Recruit your friends into kingdom work. Note that they did not spend too long checking out Jesus; they acted almost on impulse and invited others to join them. If you have had a positive life experience have you invited your friends onto the journey you have started? Jesus knew it was hard work to enlist followers, that’s why he told us to “pray that the Lord of the harvest will force out laborers.” Make his job a little easier: pray, and refer your friends.
- Take a moment right now and ponder whom you can refer to Jesus.
- What would stop you sharing your good news?