Your Order, Please

2022 brett johnson brett johnson biz brettjohnsonbiz devotional food for thought marketplace marketplace reflections reflections Jun 21, 2022

and delight to see how orderly you are

Colossians 2:5

Order is a sign of wholeness and maturity. It is present in the lives of the mature believer, and the mature business. There is a huge difference between control, in a negative sense, and order. Too often we avoid order because we don’t want to be “control freaks” or process police. My contention is that we know instinctively when something is out of order, and we usually don’t like it. 

I was flying back from a Venture and reflected on those clients who made cohesive, clear presentations, and those who were somewhat chaotic. A strong discontent against the disorder that is symptomatic of Satan’s plan to “steal, kill and destroy” rose within my spirit. God has plans for our lives and organizations, and we let them get thwarted by chaos, be it internal or external.

To appreciate and nurture order, we need to acknowledge certain truths:

  • Order is a sign of having a “complete understanding,” as Colossians 2:2 puts it.
  • Order is possessed by those who understand the mystery of God (Col 2:3).
  • Order is connected to a firm faith.  “…and how firm your faith is.”
  • Order reflects God’s nature. “God is not a God of disorder…”
  • Order goes hand in hand with peace. “…but of peace.” 1 Cor 14:33
  • Order is part and parcel of spiritual creativity. 1 Cor 14:33 is set in the context of the creative interplay between the personality and giftedness of man and God-given grace-enablements, or gifts of the Spirit.

Order in business is a godly thing. “Thriving on Chaos” is generally not a good thing. If businesspeople want a firm faith, then we need to be orderly. We can make space for the miraculous and still be orderly. We can have great faith, and also be orderly. We can expect more than our resources suggest is possible, and still have an internal order that manifests itself in righteousness, peace, and joy. 

Many businesses have now been through the repurposing consultations. They know God’s Purpose for their businesses. The outcomes of the consultations are marked by a sound understanding of all facets of the Operating Model for organizations, a belief that business is indeed ministry, a fresh understanding of households, a practical experience that God does miracles in business, and a challenge to use the business as a platform for ministry. The work does not end with the final presentation, however, and the wise business leaders dedicate time and resources to setting and keeping their businesses in order. They ensure that the seeds planted at the consultation go on to produce a harvest. 

Maturity is not automatic. Order is not a given. Ask God what you must do today, this week, to see faith and order taken to a new level in your personal life, and in your business. As S.D. Gordon has said, “Prayer surely does influence God. It does not influence His purpose. It does influence his action. … He has been hindered in his purposes by our lack of willingness. When we learn his purposes and make them our prayers, we are giving Him the opportunity to act.” Meditate on Colossians 2:1-5 and prayer, “Your order, please.”

“I'm a long way off, true, and you may never lay eyes on me, but believe me, I'm on your side, right beside you. I am delighted to hear of the careful and orderly ways you conduct your affairs, and impressed with the solid substance of your faith in Christ.” Colossians 2:5 The Message



  • Are you substituting dreams for discipline?
  • Are you diligently protecting the seeds God has sown into your business?
  • Where is internal disorder evident in your career or business?