How do I find a biblical operating model for business?
May 07, 2024
“The Operating Model of an organization is the processes and procedures it uses to design, build, market, and manage its products and services.” (i-Operations, Daichendt and Johnson). Every organization has an operating model, a way in which it does what it does. The problems around operating models are many:
- Some are not fit to purpose
- Many are old, outdated
- Others follow industry norms but are not aligned behind the organization’s calling. This creates disconnects and inefficiencies
- Too many are not biblical, based on the ways of God and the heart of God. (I am not talking about a set of rules or regulations.)
When Jesus said you should put new wine in new wineskins these are two different “new” words. The wine is the product; the wineskin is the operating model that includes delivery to customers. New wine—neos in Greek—means a fresh batch of wine that is the same as before. New wineskin—kainos in Greek—is a totally new, not seen before wineskin. Operating models need to paradoxically meet two criteria: they must be based on eternal, universal truths AND they must constantly flex so that the focus is on delivering Purpose and not maintaining the organization.
The 10-P Model® was created by The Institute and helps flush out the scriptural imperatives underpinning each of the 10 drivers of business impact. Based on an alchemy of scripture, historical examples, best practices and inspired innovations the 10-P Model® is a framework for an operating model for any business. Gary Daichendt and Brett Johnson wrote i-Operations (based on The Institute’s 10-P Model) during the 2nd wave of the Internet/Web, and the truths are still relevant to any emerging technology today.
Interested in finding out more? Visit these links: