Lean On Me

brett johnson brett johnson biz brettjohnsonbiz devotional food for thought marketplace marketplace reflections reflections Dec 15, 2021

…this leaning wall, this tottering fence. Psalm 62:3

Let’s face it, we all have days when we feel like we are about to fall over. There are times when we think we are bound to become just another fallen layer in the archeology of life. King David knew that if he didn’t collapse because of his own frailty, then there were plenty of people who were happy to help him crumble. “How long will you assault a man? Would you throw him down—this leaning wall, this tottering fence? They fully intend to topple him from his lofty place…”  How did David deal with this opposition? Rather than try to pump himself up, he made sure his frail fence was located in the right place.

5 Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; 

       my hope comes from him. 

 6 He alone is my rock and my salvation; 

       he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. 

The question is not whether we are a leaning wall; the question is, “What is our wall leaning on?” You may argue, “I am doing fine—my health is good, my finances are great, my wall is sturdy and I have a bright future.” That’s good if your wall is in the right place. If your money is your wall, “though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them.” (v.10) If your strength is your wall, “men are but a breath” – two puffs and life is over, your strength is gone. If you come from a noble family, remember “the highborn are but a lie.” (v.9) The posture of your wall is less important than the positioning of your wall.

The enemy knows that the real battle is not for the condition of your fence, but for the position of your fence. Satan tried, through his accomplices, to lure Nehemiah outside the city, but Nehemiah stayed in the right place. Samson had a strong fence but compromised its position. Job stood firm: “even if he slay me, yet will I hope in him.” (Job 13:15)

If you have your fence in the right place, if it is high up on the rocky fortress, if it is set on a rock, then it doesn’t matter too much if it falls over. If your wall falls, he is capable of fixing it. There is no fear on the rock.


  • Are you afraid of teetering, falling? Why? Why not?
  • What are you leaning into—God himself, or the things around you?
  • What does it mean to “set our heart” on riches? (Verse 10)