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Servant Leadership or Plural Leadership?

What's essential in an age of widely distributed knowledge? Servant leadership is good: it encourages positive traits such as humility, empathy and putting others first. Perhaps it has been partly responsible for overcoming the “because I’m the boss” mentality of decades past. But is it enough? ...

How do I have an awesome partnership with my spouse?

The Hebrew and Christian scriptures set a high bar for couples partnering together. When I read idiotic comments about the bible being anti-women and how women should be subject to men I want to throw up. That’s a pretty strong statement, I know, but the ignorance of people inside and outside the...

How can I build a great leadership team?

A good way to clear the ground for building a great leadership team is to first dispel five (or six) myths about leadership: 1.     Only some people are leaders 2.     Leaders are born, not made 3.     If you are an “X” leader, then under pressure you are XXX 4.     If you’re not leading the ...

How can I lead from my identity?

“I am a different person at work and at home.” I have heard this statement more than once and it leads to a life of tension, diffusion, and lack of fulfillment. The good news is that emerging generations are placing a premium on authenticity, and this requires that we be the same person in every ...

How can I be a successful entrepreneur?

To be a successful entrepreneur we should probably understand why businesses fail. We all know the statistics about how four out of five businesses fail in the first five years: is this acceptable, or should we be outraged about this?   Imagine you had five children and I told you, “Not to worr...

Plodding vs. Pontificating

There’s a difference between perpetually pontificating and persevering. The editor of the Manchester Guardian once said, “Comment is free; facts are sacred.” Every day billions of opinions are tweeted as facts. Zillions of sage advice tweets and posts might give the impression that there are bill...

Devotional: Be like Jesus

The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon… John 1:41 Want to be like Jesus? Become a Networker. While writing my book, LEMON Leadership, I noticed a pattern in the way Jesus built his team. When you read that Jesus spent all night in prayer and then chose the 12 disciples, perhaps...