Which Resource is Best For You?

We have resources to support your Kingdom Business journey. What questions are you asking? Find your question and follow the links:

How can I get my business into God’s business?

rēp (Repurposing Business)

How can I be a successful Entrepreneur?


How can I lead from my identity?

LEMON Leadership


How do I do work/ faith integration?


rēp (Repurposing Business)

How do I use my work to transform society?

Transforming Society

How can I practice Promised Land economics?

Kingdom Economics

How do I use capital for kingdom purposes?

Repurposing Capital

Kingdom Economics

How do I work like God?

Work Like God in 31 Ways

How can I be (& hire) a great employee?

Repurposing People

How can I build a great Leadership Team?

LEMON Leadership

How can I make disciples at work?


Repurposing People 

How can I live on Purpose?

Individuals: Convergence

Businesses: rēp (Repurposing Business)

How do I have an awesome partnership with my spouse?

LEMON for Lovers


Bizcipleship for Kingdom Couples

How can I be restored?

10 Steps to Restoration

How do I reset my foundations and have a fresh start?


How do I find a Biblical operating model for business?


rēp (Repurposing Business)

How do I innovate with God?

Contact b[email protected] to request an Inspired Innovation Consultation