Which Resource is Best For You?

The best resource to support your Kingdom Business journey depends on the questions are you asking. Find your question and click the icon above it that takes you to a Blog post with an answer. Ā Then follow the links at the bottom of the page to the relevant resource.Ā 

How can I get my business into Godā€™s business?

rēp (Repurposing Business)

How can I be a successful Entrepreneur?


How can I lead from my identity?

LEMON Leadership


How do I live out work/ faith integration?


rēp (Repurposing Business)

How do I use my work to transform society?

Transforming Society

How can I practice Promised Land economics?

Kingdom Economics

How do I use capital for kingdom purposes?

Repurposing Capital

Kingdom Economics

How do I work like God?

Work Like God in 31 Ways

How can I be (& hire) a great employee?

Repurposing People

How can I build a great Leadership Team?

LEMON Leadership

How can I make disciples at work?


Repurposing PeopleĀ 

How can I live on Purpose?

Individuals:Ā Convergence

Businesses:Ā rÄ“p (Repurposing Business)

How do I have an awesome partnershipĀ with my spouse?

LEMON for Lovers


Bizcipleship for Kingdom Couples

How can I be restored?

10 Steps to Restoration

How do I reset my foundations and have a fresh start?


How do I find a Biblical operating model for business?


rēp (Repurposing Business)

How do I innovate with God?

Contact b[email protected] to request an Inspired Innovation Consultation